Town of Kippens
Electronic Sign Usage Policy
SUBJECT: Electronic Sign Usage Policy SECTION: Administration
Policy Statement
This policy establishes the criteria for groups outside of the Town office to use the electronic sign on Kippens Road in front of 18 Kippens Road. The policy also outlines the guidelines and procedures used by Town personnel to administer the sign.
Administrative Oversight
Responsibility for administering the policy shall be with the CAO/Town Manager
Sign Usage
The first priority for the sign is to give important instructions and information to ensure public safety during emergencies including, but not limited to hurricane/storm preparedness, road closures, and police and fire emergencies. During such emergencies, use of the sign by other groups as outlined below may be restricted or suspended at the discretion of the CAO/Town Manager.
The second priority for sign use goes to non-emergency Town announcements such as, but not limited to, information on elections, property tax payments, Town Meetings, and Town sponsored events.
If there is availability, the sign may be used by local non-profit groups to announce events or special programs on a first come, first served basis. The sign is not to be used for general advertisement of groups or regular meeting times. Announcements will not be posted more than two weeks prior to an event or registration deadline unless space allows. While every effort will be made to accommodate requests, the number of other applicants and Town usage may mean that the sign is not available for the duration of frequency requested.
The sign is not available to for-profit business, political groups or candidates (not including official government events involving federal or local elected officials). The CAO/Town Manager shall also have the authority and sole discretion to deny use of the sign to groups whose mission or purpose is deemed to be offensive or against the best interest of the residents of the Town.
No personal requests will be posted on the electronic sign, ex. Birthdays, engagements, weddings, etc..
Where at all possible, requests for sign usage should be made in writing to the Town office at 2 Juniper Avenue or by email to and should include the type of event, date and time of event, group sponsoring the event and contact information for a responsible party within the organization. The Town will have a standardized form available for such purpose. Groups should contact the Town Office as soon as possible to make any changes or cancellations to event information. Acceptance of a request in no way guarantees that the announcement will appear on the sign. The organization’s requested message text may be modified by the Town without notice to conform to the space and content restrictions. The Town is not responsible for any errors or omissions in content.