Town of Kippens
1. The Town of Kippens relies on your information to either approve or refuse your application. It is
in your best interest to provide enough information so that the Town of Kippens can make the best
decision for the community as a whole. Your neighbours will have the opportunity to comment on
any application. They often contact the town office and require more details on the Home Based
Business and the information should be available in order to provide the answers to possibly avoid a
refusal and subsequent appeal.
2. It is to your advantage to provide enough details should your proposal be appealed to the Western
Newfoundland Regional Appeal Board.
3. Any proposal involving food preparation or food products is subject to inspection and approval by
The Department of Government Services, 35 Alabama Drive, Stephenville.
4. If a proposed Home Based Business is listed as a Discretionary Use in the use zone in which the
subject property is located, Section 22 of the Kippens Development, 1999 requires that a Public
Notice be advertised and the public be given an opportunity to comment on the matter, prior to a
final decision being made by Town Council. It is the policy of Kippens Town Council to have the
resident publish such notices in a Public Newspaper allowing a seven (7) day response period.
Kippens Town Council reserves the right to also require the notice to be distributed by mail to
nearby residents, through the holding of an informational briefing session or by any other means
deemed necessary.
5. Following the expiration of the designated response period, the matter is tabled before Council,
where it is either approved or rejected subject to the policies, provisions and guidelines of the
Kippens Municipal Plan, Kippens Development regulations and any other applicable law or
6. Should your Home Based Business application be accepted, a $50.00 permit fee is required.
7. Should an application be refused or if you disagree with certain permit conditions you may appeal
A decision of Council to the Western Regional Appeal Board within thirty (30) days of the decision
being made. If approved a minimum business tax of $200.00 shall be applied. Please contact the
Town Office for more information.