Kippens was established as a Local Improvement District (L.I.D) in December of 1968. The people of the community voted unanimously at a public meeting for this type of local government. The main purpose for establishing Kippens as a local improvement district was to implement a garbage collection service.

The first council (at that time they were called a “board of trustees”) was made up of Gordon Gaudon (Chairperson), Douglas White (Vice- Chairperson), Gregory Bourgeois (Secretary/Treasurer), and board members Thomas Power, Aloysius Gaudon, Clarence Schumph, and Francis Bourgeois.

Since that time, Kippens has had several different councils and has gone through many changes. From the development of the new recreational facilities to the construction of numerous new private dwellings, it is clear that Kippens is growing and changing all the time.

One of the biggest changes that have been brought about in Kippens as a result of the Town Council is the installation of the water line. For many years, the people of Kippens had to rely on their own wells as a source of water for their homes. The Town Council has, however, been successful in having a water line installed throughout almost all the community. This was made possible through the combined efforts of the local, provincial, and federal governments. Residents of Kippens were hired to work on the water line installation, and in this way valuable jobs were created.

The council was also responsible for having street lighting installed during the early and mid 1970’s. The town has recently taken over operation of the Kippens Community Centre, which is located on Gaudon’s Lane. The Community Centre houses the community library, senior citizens’ club, women’s Institute office, and recreation office. The town also regularly applies for government sponsored work projects, which provide employment opportunities for some residents of the community.

The Kippens’ municipal building, or town hall, was constructed in 1983. The first council meetings were held in St. Raymond’s School before the new town hall was built. The municipal building construction was funded through a government sponsored work project, and contains the council chambers, the town clerk’s office, and a garage, which is used for the town’s heavy equipment.

While Kippens is mainly a residential area, there are several prosperous businesses in operation here. There is land in Kippens, which is privately owned, that has been amended for commercial and light industrial use. This means that once the requirements are met (i.e. a road is put through, etc.) this land will be developed for businesses and for commercial ventures.

Future years may show even great development in this town, as people continue to choose Kippens as a desirable place to settle down and raise their families.