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General Information

The designated weekday for collection of garbage, waste, and recyclables is Tuesday. If Tuesday is a statutory holiday collection will advance, for that week, to the next business day. Please refer to the, Garbage and Refuse Rules for Neat Streets and a Clean Community for further details. 

In addition to weekly pick-ups, the town has special pick-ups throughout the year, as well Household Hazardous Waste drop-off dates at Containerized Sanitation Limited. Special pick-ups are posted on our website and Facebook.

For more information on contact the town office or call (709) 643-5281.

During normal snowfall events, the plow operator will strive to follow their route in the same way every time. This will provide some consistency in the timeframe that the plow completes each road. The road crews are each assigned a designated route. Each route includes roads of varying classes Class “A” (high priority) and Class “B” (lower priority)—that are typically small and lightly traveled. The routes are designed to clear roads in a systematic way that generally gives priority to the Class “A” roads. This method also provides the best access for emergency services.

Town Meetings

Minutes can be found by selecting Town Hall, then Minutes of Meetings, from the menu bar.

Minutes do not have a set publishing schedule but are generally available once approved during the general public meeting date.

Council meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month, except during the month of August or unless otherwise specified. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the Town Hall (2 Juniper Ave).

Privileged meetings are held on an ad-hoc basis.

Notice of regular general meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Town’s Facebook page.

There are many opportunities to enable the public to address the Town Council regarding items of municipal concern. Opportunities include:

  • Submit correspondence to council (one week prior to the regular general meeting).
  • Present to Council (Petitions & Delegations);
  • Submit an email to

Fire Department

One of the biggest benefits of becoming a volunteer firefighter is the enormous amount of training provided. Training provided to the firefighters is not just applicable to firefighting; it is useful in all aspects of a person’s life, including other occupations and home life.

Becoming a volunteer firefighter is arguably one of the most rewarding and fulfilling positions you can fill in your community. What’s even more encouraging about it is that it requires little to no experience to get started.

The primary objective of fire departments is to help prevent the fire from taking lives and destroying property. A volunteer firefighter is an individual who voluntarily provides his/her services to protect the community.

The Department also acts as a backup service to adjacent municipalities such as the Town of Stephenville and Port au Port regional fire service. In turn, these neighbouring EFS departments provide backup services to the Town. The Town’s Fire Department is housed in the Town Office building on Juniper Avenue and main equipment includes a fire truck and a cube van (rescue vehicle). The Department is volunteer-based and is made up of the Chief, Deputy Chief, and approximately 20 other members from the Town and neighbouring communities. The service is funded through the Town’s tax base. Members are given a stipend to volunteer for the service.

Contact the Kippens Fire Department for more information.

In Case of fire or emergency call: Call 9-1-1