Stephenville Elementary School

Stephenville Elementary

Welcome to Stephenville Elementary School!

Here at Stephenville Elementary, we aim to create a safe and caring learning environment for our students. The staff is focused on encouraging positive behavior and helping the students learn how to be contributing citizens who support and care for each other. We strive for a culture of open communication and collaboration with a wide range of opportunities for both students and teachers.

We have a wonderful school community at Stephenville Elementary with great students, a supportive group of parents/guardians, and a professional and caring staff. Enhancing teaching and learning to maximize student achievement is one of the most important goals at our school.

On behalf of the staff I wish to thank all the stakeholders for their cooperation and support of the students and staff at Stephenville Elementary School.

Ms. Michele Dawson

Stephenville Elementary School is a grade 4-5 school offering, French Immersion, Music, Core French, Physical Education and more.
Here, we follow the 3 Rs: Respect, Responsible, and Ready to Learn!

Accessible School: YES
French Immersion: YES
Grade Level: Grade 4 – Grade 5

(709) 643 2927

(709) 643 6120

Box 5300 76 West St., Stephenville, NL, A2N 3M8

Stephenville Primary School

Stephenville Primary

Stephenville Primary, in collaboration with families and community, is committed to providing a safe, nurturing and positive learning environment which enables everyone to achieve to their fullest potential.

Accessible School: YES
French Immersion: YES
Grade Level: Kindergarten – Grade 3

(709) 643 2331

(709) 643 9335

72 West St., Stephenville NL A2N 1E3

Stephenville Middle School

Stephenville Middle

Stephenville Middle School is committed to quality teaching and learning that ensures student achievement and meets the needs of diverse adolescent learners in a collaborative and respectful culture.

Accessible School: YES
French Immersion: YES
Grade Level: Grade 6 – Grade 8

(709) 643 9672

(709) 643 9672

40 Queen Street, Stephenville, NL, A2N 2M5

Stephenville High School

Stephenville High

Stephenville High School as a community will create a culture of student achievement within a collaborative and respectful environment.

Accessible School: YES
French Immersion: YES
Grade Level: Grade 9 – Level IV

(709) 643 9672

(709) 643 5044

1 Bruce Boulevard, Stephenville, NL, A2N 3R6

College of the North Atlantic

College of the North Atlantic

Bay St. George campus of College of the North Atlantic is located in Stephenville, a modern and progressive community with rich cultural history and thriving social and economic development. A town of approximately 6,600, Stephenville is located on the west coast of the island portion of Newfoundland and Labrador and is a service access point for many surrounding communities. 

Bay St. George campus is a large campus consisting of three main buildings. The campus has a residence containing single rooms with a capacity of 75 students and features full dining facilities.

Full-time credit course registration is approximately 750 students per semester, with another 100 registered part-time. Upwards of 1,000 students participate in Contract Training & Continuing Education evening courses. Student and career counselling services are provided by two full-time counsellors. Each building is equipped with library services and all students have access to student development as well as, accessibility services if applicable!

The headquarters for College of the North Atlantic is also located in Stephenville.

Bay St. George Campus offers programs across the schools: Academics, Applied Arts & Tourism, Health Sciences, Business & Information Technology, and Industrial Trades.

(709) 643 7838

(709) 643 7734

DSB Fowlow Building, 432 Massachusetts Dr. P.O. Box 5400 Stephenville, NL A2N 2Z6

Keyin College - Western Campus

Keyin College – Western Campus

At Keyin College, we work closely with our provincial government’s Department of Education to ensure that our curriculums meet or exceed their demanding standards. Our government-approved instructors also bring extensive industry experience to the teaching process, and our close relationships with the industries we support (including the mandatory work terms that our students must complete) ensure that our graduates are well prepared to step in and contribute from day one. In addition to this, the focus we place on the Keyin student experience helps prepare our graduates to become positive contributors to the workplaces in which they are employed.

(709) 643 6444

(709) 643 6083

128 Carolina Ave, Stephenville, NL A2N 2S5

Safety and Emergency Response Training (SERT) Centre

Marine Institute – Safety and Emergency Response Training Centre (SERT)

Be ready for the challenge. Train at the Safety and Emergency Response Training (SERT) Centre in Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador.

The SERT Centre is one of the premiere fire training facilities in Canada with the capability and equipment to provide Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting, Structural, Marine & Industrial Firefighting Training.

The SERT Centre offers specialized safety training and emergency response training courses in:

  • Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
  • Industrial Safety and Emergency Response Training
  • Firefighting
  • Fishing Industry and Small Boat Training

The SERT Centre has a modern training facility with a team of highly trained and experienced instructors. Its nationally certified training programs, unique training capabilities, location and ability to provide customized, site-specific training will assist you to optimize your training requirements.

The (SERT) Centre is a joint project of the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University and the Stephenville Airport Corporation and operates as a satellite campus of the Marine Institute’s Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (OSSC).

(709) 643 5550

(709) 643 6027

7 Tennessee Dr. Stephenville, NL A2N 2Y3